Jan 24, 2016
I’ve got a goal to publish a blog post every Sunday. I asked a woman at work who used to be a professional cat blogger how to be successful with this blog. She told me two things. To write consistently about real life and never give up. So Sunday is my blog day. Over the […]
Jan 6, 2016
January 2016 is here. It’s a time that everyone is setting goals or making resolutions. For us, after last year, it’s for sure a time to take stock of everything and get prepared for what’s next. From the time we decided to get married in June through New Year’s we haven’t stopped!!! We had our […]
Dec 16, 2015
I was being interviewed the other day for an article on us and the writer asked me about the book, The Secret. The Secret and the Law of Attraction is what changed our mistaken texts into something. When Henry asked me if I’d read the book or knew anything about the principle, I was floored. It was something so deeply […]
Nov 15, 2015
We’ve had someone reach out to us about doing a movie. And someone else suggested a reality show. I was just at our friend Suzette’s house talking about this and she laughed and said that this blog and our Facebook page IS our reality show 🙂 And we’re the writers and directors. And it’s so […]
Nov 9, 2015
We promised we’d open every door in this blog. The Sunday Funday walks, the happy posts, the sad ones about losing a beloved pet and even our fights, yes even our fights. Since that’s all we seem to have done over the last week or so, it seemed like a good time to write about […]
Oct 11, 2015
One of these days coming up we’ll write posts about who we are individually but for this one we’ll share more about who we are as a couple. There were multiple things that we found in common with each other right away and so many that have developed over the last 3 years! Love of […]