Apr 10, 2016
Recently, our great, spiritual, friend Suzette recommended we both read Michael Singer’s book, The Surrender Experiment: My Journey into Life’s Perfection. I just read it and Henry’s just about to. It’s a captivating picture of how often, by surrendering to what showed up in his life, the author was able to see how the Universe, or […]
Feb 14, 2016
Happy Valentine’s Day 2016! Last night Henry and I had a great conversation about what we wanted to do for Valentine’s Day. We don’t like the hype of this “holiday” so we spent some important time thinking about what we could do to make it special for us. After a particularly tense session a week ago, […]
Nov 15, 2015
We’ve had someone reach out to us about doing a movie. And someone else suggested a reality show. I was just at our friend Suzette’s house talking about this and she laughed and said that this blog and our Facebook page IS our reality show 🙂 And we’re the writers and directors. And it’s so […]
Oct 11, 2015
One of these days coming up we’ll write posts about who we are individually but for this one we’ll share more about who we are as a couple. There were multiple things that we found in common with each other right away and so many that have developed over the last 3 years! Love of […]
5Oct 9, 2015
Today I ran into the very Maria who i was supposed to meet in the text that started everything with Henry 🙂 I thought it would be fun to take a pic of the two of us to share with everyone! We were laughing because if she hadn’t been stuck in St. Louis instead of […]
Oct 4, 2015
Hello World! Last week, we met with local journalist, Doug Moore, who had interviewed us the week before while he was writing an article on the story of how Kasey and I met. That evening he reached out to let us know that the story may be published the next morning, September 30, so we planned […]