Kasey and Henry get a Kitten
On Saturday we got a kitten! After losing Scooter last October and with our other two black girl cats at 15 and 16 years old, we figured it was time to start replenishing our pet population 🙂 When we went to see the new kittens at Animal House, our local cat adoption shelter, there was an all black boy and his two sisters, a black one and a gray one. They had been found out in the woods out in the country and were fostered until they were brought in for adoption. We wanted a black kitten (you can never have too many black cats!) and wanted a boy so the choice was super easy.
He started purring before I picked him up and hasn’t stopped since! He has become incredibly comfortable here in no time. He LOVES our loft and runs around like a wild beast chasing anything and everything, getting under things and behind things and on top of other things. And then he stops and falls asleep. And all the while he purrs and purrs and purrs. He’s very interested in Lula and Sabrina, but so far they don’t like him at all. He sneaks around and tries to approach them and sometimes gets pretty close, but they keep growling and hissing at him. He’s so quiet he can really get close, but they’re not quite ready to accept him. But things are getting better day by day. Tonight is the first time the hissing seems to be subsiding.
To keep him away from the girls and contained during the night and while we’re at work, we got him a huge, multi-level crate that gives him plenty of space to play, eat, sleep and for his litter box. It’s working perfectly.
We just love him so much already. He’s so FUNNY and squishy and cuddly and energetic and chill and curious and adventurous – he’s a terrific combination of everything that makes him special for us.
We’re introducing him in our blog this week since we finally figured out his name!
Everyone knows how much Henry and I LOVE music, right? So when thinking of a name for our kitten, we thought about our favorite bands, like Floyd for Pink Floyd. We thought of names of musicians from our favorite bands like Maynard from Tool. We also thought of favorite songs by our favorite bands like Kashmir by Led Zeppelin. We made a list of about 12 names, not all music related. Like we considered Howler, for the Howler Monkeys we saw in Costa Rica. Bagheera from the Jungle Book. Jax from Sons of Anarchy, Stringer from The Wire.
But in the end we’ve named him Vinyl, like a vinyl record. You can see in this video how he’s already living up to his name!
We’ve decided to incorporate him into our blog. Every week we’re going to have “Sunday Vinyl Sessions” and feature an album that Henry and I have listened to. Henry might help with picking the music for Vinyl to feature because he knows so much about music. So welcome to our world, little Vinyl! You’re going to have an incredible life with us – way, way better than it would have been in the woods way out in the country!
Can you hear him purring? We think he’s a pretty happy kitten
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