Mar 23, 2016
Something I like to talk about and aspire to, but often have a hard time developing a routine for, is regular meditation. It’s hard to form a routine, but also just pick which one to commit to. There are so many different forms of meditation. Some use mantras, breathing techniques, include sitting, standing, and walking, […]
Feb 28, 2016
Sunday Vinyl Sessions is a new weekly post we are writing on our blog. Each week will feature a different vinyl album we are listening to on Sunday afternoon, or sometimes a custom playlist instead. The post gets it’s title from the vinyl listening experience on Sunday, but especially from our new kitten Vinyl and […]
3Nov 26, 2015
Happy Thanksgiving from the Costa Rican beaches 🙂 via Kasey Bergh and Henry Glendening http://ift.tt/1PdPDEt
Oct 19, 2015
Yesterday, Kasey and I decided to make an Adventure out of Sunday. With fall here, I did not want to miss the seasonal colors of the leaves. They can disappear very fast if you’re not careful. SO we decided Sunday afternoon would be a perfect opportunity. Not that it would be our only fall hike, […]
Oct 4, 2015
Hello World! Last week, we met with local journalist, Doug Moore, who had interviewed us the week before while he was writing an article on the story of how Kasey and I met. That evening he reached out to let us know that the story may be published the next morning, September 30, so we planned […]